Pretty cool link Bro just sent to me that's a worthy post for today.
50 Years of History in one action packed song and video. Thanks Billy.
A sometimes analytical look at life, surroundings, and happenings that make me the best -and worst- of who I am
Pretty cool link Bro just sent to me that's a worthy post for today.
50 Years of History in one action packed song and video. Thanks Billy.
Thought provoking, challenging and confirming. A great great work of artistic writing from Alan Bennett.
Set in early to mid-80's England, the play (original form) takes the audience on a journey of language and thinking. It attempts to answer yet another hole in the study of history. What builds on what, what transgressions are built or uniquely, and intimately, formed through instruction. What is education and curriculum. The processes and procedures of academic achievement and acceptance to some of the most highly regarded establishments in the world.
In a brilliant exchange the characters discuss the Holocaust, how to learn from it, what can be learned from it (if anything), if the very thought of discussing it could be sacrosanct.
A great great play and fantastic movie. Highly recommended.
I Stumble'd upon a really cool compound property yesterday. It's called a non-Newtonian liquid (typically just water and corn-starch.) The results though are intriguing.
Take a gander here:
And finally, some REALLY crazy science students (and some pretty dumb teachers as well) experiment with liquid Nitrogen and a hotel pool. Nothing like having a firm grasp of a term called gaseous displacement. A very cool experiment with potentially very DEADLY side-effects.
In an update from the recently held technical Emmy's I have some news to report.
Cirque Du Soleil - Corteo has won an Emmy
Outstanding Picture Editing For A Special (single Or Multi-camera) 79th Annual Academy Awards • ABC • Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Michael Polito, Videotape Editor
Jeff Roe, Videotape Editor
Douglass M. Stewart, Jr., Nominations Sequences by
Kyle Cooper, Ennio Morricone Tribute, In Memoriam, and Written Words Designed and Produced by
Neil Travis, The President's Film Editor
Chuck Workman, Best Picture Film Sequences by
Steve Sidwell, Sound Effects Visual Sequence Produced byA Tribute To James Taylor (Great Performances) • PBS • A Production of Warner Music Group in association with Thirteen/WNET New York
Gary Bradley, Editor
Laura Young, Editor![]()
Cirque Du Soleil: Corteo • Bravo • Productions Conte Inc., Bravo
Sylvain Lebel, EditorLewis Black: Red, White & Screwed • HBO • Rickmill Productions in association with HBO Entertainment
Jeff U'Ren, EditorTony Bennett: An American Classic • NBC • RPM Productions and Lucamar Productions
Wyatt Smith, Editor
In the same breath though I'm sad to report that our new found friend Dean Gaveau and crew did not win an Emmy for Sound Mixing of The Amazing Race. We continue to be very happy that Dean was nominated, for the second time no less. It should be a proud and illustrious moment for him and wife Julie. Way to go Dean!!!
Outstanding Sound Mixing For Nonfiction Programming (single Or Multi-camera) ![]()
American Masters • Atlantic Records: The House That Ahmet Built • PBS • Produced by Thirteen/WNET New York and Warner Music Group
Ed Campbell, Re-Recording MixerDeadliest Catch • The Unforgiving Sea • Discovery Channel • Original Productions, Inc. in association with Discovery Channel
Bob Bronow, C.A.S., Re-Recording MixerPlanet Earth • Pole To Pole • Discovery Channel • A BBC/Discovery Chanel/NHK Co-Production
Graham Wild, Dubbing MixerThe Amazing Race • I Know Phil, Little Ol' Gorgeous Thing • CBS • Amazing Race Productions Inc. and Touchstone Television Productions, LLC in association with Jerry Bruckheimer Television and WorldRace Productions, Inc.
Jim Ursulak, Lead Sound Mixer
Jerry Chabane, Sound Mixer
Dean Gaveau, C.A.S., Sound Mixer
Barry Weissman, Sound Mixer
Peter Wong, Sound Mixer
Troy Smith, Re-Recording MixerWhen The Levees Broke: A Requiem In Four Acts • HBO • 40 Acres and A Mule Filmworks in association with HBO Documentary Films
Ken Ishii, Production Mixer
Stuart Deutsch, Production Mixer
Charles Hunt, Production Mixer
Bo Walker, Production Mixer
Bob Chefalas, Re-Recording Mixer
Doug Murray, Re-Recording Mixer
Here's Dean in the Black shirt and goatee
So, I turn on the TV this morning and hear all of the hubbub about Brittany Spears (BS - for those of you not in the know.)
(courtesy celebitchy)
Being that I'm a closeted celeb watcher, I secreted myself away from wifey to watch the clips. OMG WTF. What in heavens sake was she thinking? I mean, the only thing she had on LALO was a bit more of a career potential and more income.. That though seems to be over.
I've read reviews from the Daily News, Times, Post, LA Times, Post-Intelligencer, TMZ, E, etc etc. I actually can't find any, save her dedicated fan sites, that have not panned the performance and woman herself. All have declared her career OVER.
My take on this has a slight medical aspect to it. Its a bit unsettling and certainly not a pleasing thought, but here it goes....
Last night the entertainment world heard a thud. It was Brittany's career (and any cred MTV had left) falling from the top of the highest building and hitting the concrete sidewalk below. When bodies do this (as anyone who has also witnessed such can attest) the body bounces about 3 feet back into the air, dead, and then flops to the ground.
Last night we heard thud and saw the bounce. Now we're just gawking at the remnants left over which need to be hosed from the sidewalk into the gutter where it belongs.
My parents always told me about SXM Airport (St. Maarten). They'd drive passed the airport on their way to the casino's. We'll, I'd caught a couple of pics here and there of cars blown into the sea. It always amazed me what people would do, but I never realized to what extent.
(click pic for larger view)
I just finished reading a book I leisurely began reading on my recent vacation to Florida. Its the cleared and somewhat sanitized daily diary of Alastair Campbell (press secretary/political advisor to Tony Blair.)
I must say its an amazing and eye opening read. I highly suggest it. I'd put it as my top choice for any public official or person interested in the political spectrum. It provides insight into the life and times of the British political parties, their eventual restructuring due to pure and unadulterated internal chaos and political in-fighting, modernization of a party, and finally the rise of its leader to Prime Minister.
What most strikes me about this book is its honesty and account of a news reporter transformed into media chieftain, political advisor, and master strategist.
Finally, I must say it was eye opening to see just how out of control the media is. The salacious now leads, the important and life changing gets buried or shunned. Further, its absolutely sad how much of the trivial day to day events, which one would think are not even on the radar of a Prime Minister or President, actually need great time and energy (away from the true REAL issues) expended on them so it doesn't become a political rowe. To borrow a phrase, I was gobsmacked.
I've also was able to catch a couple of episodes of a new AMC series called Mad Men.
Set in the early 60's its an episodic series about the advertising industry during its heyday. Liquored lunches, huge expense accounts, brilliant minds, debauchery, relationships, personalities, etc etc etc.
Great cast of characters. Reminds me of the series From The Earth To The Moon. Shot straight, built expertly, active and very attractive dialogue. Its a man's chick flick (if that makes any sense. Highly recommended.
A new Showtime episodic undertaking (30 min.) starring David Duchovny, Monday's 10PM.
Quirky, off-kilter and aggressive in its portrayal of life and family.
The web site states:
Famed novelist & NYC transplant Hank relocates to LA after his acclaimed book is optioned, but it later becomes a crappy romantic comedy, which sparks a horrible case of writer's block. He's struggling to get his career back on track with the help of his agent/best friend, raise his pre-teen daughter, all while pining for his ex-girlfriend, who is now engaged to another man.
Last evening I had the pleasure of watching the first three (3) episodes. It's tough to sit through at first because of the situational sexuality and free reign of dialogue (language and graphic references,) but extremely engaging, voyeuristic, and well written.
To relate the major happenings in these episodes:
Hank is found walking along the street being forlorn about the state of his life. His girlfriend - and mother of his twelve year old daughter - has left him to date a media mogul of sorts. Hank lives alone with his writers block (which came upon him when he moved to LA.) He stumbles upon a book store showing his best-selling novel in the window, seemingly re-released because the screenplay version is now in theatres.
Hank goes inside, picks up a copy of the book and begins paging through it, reading various passages (again, of his own work). Out of the corner of his eye he catches a young woman sitting nearby reading the book. He walks over, they exchange various quips, the girl almost immediately recognizing the books author from the picture on the rear jacket. She's very forward and flirtatious with him. Cut to the next scene, they're now in Hanks bedroom and they're having sex. As the act is finishing the woman winds up and closed fist slugs Hank twice in the left eye. She then gets up, now finished, and walks out. Hank lays there stunned at how things 'finished' and begins to laugh. Just another night of life and short-lived love in LA.
In the next few days there are three or four other encounters for Hank when he suddenly gets a call, mid-coitus, from his ex-girlfriend stating that their twelve year old daughter is not home (the ex lives with her new boyfriend in her boyfriends house) but out at a party in 'The Hills.' Their daughter went to this party along with Hank's ex's new boyfriend's sixteen year-old daughter. Hank drops everything (ahem) and runs out leaving this nights 'love' in bed on all fours, now enraged because they hadn't finished. Hank drives over to his ex's house, picks her up, they kiss on the cheek (she quips that he smells like %&ssy) and they make off for the party. At the party they find their daughter hanging with some much older boys and about to take a hit off a bong. When confronted, the daughter doesn't wish to leave forcing Hank to bodily pick her up, shoulder her, and carry her out a look of exasperation on her face.
Upon arrival at the ex's house, the daughter gets out of the car pronouncing the typical 'I hate you' and storms inside. There's an exchange with his ex where she tells him that she's agreed to marry her boyfriend. Hank is stunned and taken aback. He immediately asks her to marry him instead so they can be a happy family together again.
Hanks adventures on the show might be best related by the next exchange while he and his ex are discussing the nights events of pulling their daughter out of the party. They're in the kitchen when in walks the woman who Hank met in the bookstore. Hank is stunned and taken aback believing briefly, or so it appears, that this woman has somehow stalked him and burst into his ex's home to confront him. Hank stumbles out of his chair and peddles backward when his ex says, "Hank, I'd like you to meet my boyfriends daughter." Still reeling from this abuse of senses, Hank extends his hand and shakes this woman's a very sore right hand. She doesn't reveal anything about the fact that they've already met (or had sex.) She retires to her bedroom for the night. Hank turns to his ex and asks 'How old did you say Bill's (his ex's boyfriend) daughter is?' His wife responds, 'sixteen.'
This scene sets the mood and tone of the remainder of the episodes. From one night encounters with friends of his ex, women tossing him their numbers at traffic lights, adult film starlet's, to recurring involvement (not of his choice) with a forwardly sexual sixteen year-old, Hank experiences LA to its fullest. His best friend and agent also plays a psychotropic part in the series. This agents secretary is a BDSM fan and wears that badge (and piercing's) on her sleeve. During a bad day at the office the agent looses his cool with yet another of his secretaries screw-ups and fires her on the spot. The following day she's back at the office clearing her desk when he comes in and admits he over-reacted and states that she can continue to have her job if she wishes. She turns to him and says, 'yes, I'd like to keep my job, but on one condition. Instead of yelling, next time I screw up again, you can discipline me in any way you wish.' She then turns away and seductively bends towards the filing cabinet to reveal her legs and arse. She looks back over her shoulder and reiterates 'ANY way.'
As stated, its a quirky, highly sexualized version of reality of the life and love (if that's the term to use) in LA. It kept my attention, not because of the sex, the whole time and was very engaging. Its well written and acted by all of the leads. I especially like the choice of Hank's 12 year old daughter Becca (MADELEINE MARTIN). Portrayed as part Goth, part adjusting LA pre-teen, part out of her element displaced NY'r, and part older than her years in emotional familial interplay. She strikes that perfect relationship balance between mother and father. This is probably best portrayed when she walks into her fathers house ahead of him, then meanders into his bedroom and reappears in the hallway innocently asking, 'Dad, is the woman naked on your bed okay, she has no hair on her vagina, is she sick?' Hank then moves his daughter away from the door, gingerly opens and closes the door behind him and confronts a previous one-night stand type woman who let herself into his house through his bedrooms patio door, to surprise him.
I highly recommend this series. It hasn't let me down in the 1-1/2 hours I've watched so far. As for David Duchovny, I've always liked his acting and feel he's always just one role away from breaking into the really big time. He is an extremely intelligent and out-front actor who's very comfortable with his sexuality and nudity as expressed in his character portrayal's including Zalman King's 'Red Shoe Diaries.'