Monday, February 4, 2008

Good Morning,.....Mr. President (4)

...The Judge tugs at Joe's sleeve and says, Joe, I'd like to introduce you to President George H.W. Bush. With that Joe turns around and is smack dab nose to nose with the President (and his security detail). The President offers his 'its a pleasure to meet you today Joe. How did you come to know the Judge?' With that Joe heavily summarizes his first meeting with the Judge and his friendship that's developed throughout the years. Joe then comments to the President, "Mr. President I believe we also have mutual friends and acquaintances outside this room." The President responds, "oh, how so?" With that Joe begins by telling the President that he was involved with the Nixon Maritime act in the early 70's and had met the former President (Nixon) at a White House function. In the same breath Joe related that a year later, as the Maritime Act was in full effect with ships being constructed in China, Joe had the opportunity to meet with C.H. Tung and subsequently was able to finance many of C.H.'s ships. (As a side note, there are many pictures of my sister and me sitting on the lap of CH Tung and to this day my house is graced by a very beautiful white marble table and solid marble chairs given to Joe as a gift from C.H., which have been passed down to me.) Joe also had the opportunity to meet and develop a working relationship with the late CY Tung (C.H.'s father.)

The President could not have been more accommodating and engratiating. He listened with interest and intent and then told Joe that Barbara (Bush) was the one who has the strong relationship with C.H. Tung and his family and Joe should seek out and speak with her! Joe took the Presidents hand in closing and wished him well, and the President moved on, after speaking with the Judge and the Bishop.

Right behind the President was Jeb Bush (former governor of the State of Florida.) Joe introduced himself after Jeb asked who had his fathers attention for so long and having heard the initials CH drop in the conversation. Joe spent the better part of 10 minutes speaking with the governor about the Tungs and also a mutually enjoyed location, Florida. Jeb went on to say that the location in Florida where Joe resides is one of his favorite places because of the areas attention to historic preservation and the lower impact the area has adopted for development. Jeb also mentioned that Joe should seek out and speak with the former First Lady about the Tungs.

As Jeb walks on, the Judge and Bishop turn to Joe and ask why he didn't introduce Jeb to them both. Joe exasperated and quizical says, hang on, and finds Jeb only moved a few feet away. Joe got Jeb's attention and introduced the two men to Jeb. Joe immediately reconciled his life and friendships to now try and figure out how he was placed in a position of knowing Jeb Bush and introducing him to the Judge and the Bishop. Its a funny world.

Thereafter, Joe was introduced and spoke with Colin Powell (former US Secretary of State) many US Senators and bank officials. Joe then scans the room and notices a former Major League Baseball player who was recently inducted into the Hall of Fame.....

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Good Morning,....Mr. President (3)

With Joe just having witnessed the oddity of HIGH security, to see the Judge and the Bishop arrive was a retrieval back to some semblance of normality. Joe obviously knows the Judge and relates to him on an almost daily basis via phone or personal meeting.

The Judge walks over and introduces Joe to the Bishop, (technically, The Right Reverend John Bryson Chane - Eighth Bishop of Washington DC). The three begin to people watch together. The group is in constant awe of their surroundings and continued, but slight, disbelief that their lives would coalesce into events such as the one they're now attending. They remark to each other about the level and complexity of the security. There's a small foyer cafe off the hotel lobby where many people have gathered and are now sitting, open-air style, slowly sipping coffee's and dinner drinks in hopes of catching a glance at the big-wigs walking around. The secret service is on top of this cafe. They stand shoulder to shoulder ringing the cafe proper forming a black-suited human wall which prevents most of the gazers from even the slightest view of their protected subjects. After a few minutes of taking in all the ceremony, atwitter and meanderings going on, their allotted time has arrived. They have been invited to a cocktail party being hosted by Riggs Bank (now PNC Bank) before the nights dinner. They must now ascend the main staircase to the second floor in order to go through security screening, metal detectors, pat downs, xrays, blood tests, psychological examinations, etc, etc.

As they arrive on the second floor there's the obligatory metal detector screening manned by heavily armed secret service. The lead agent waives the Joe and the Judge through without incident. The Bishop is the last to walk-thru, but the secret service agent first asks him to remove the large gold chained cross that hangs from his neck. (The Bishop is wearing typical formal clergy wear - formal slacks and shoes, a clerical tunic with white collar, open black jacket and large gold cross on chain.) The Bishop stops, raises his eyebrows, and then asks the agent "Son, are you sure you wish to ask that of a man of the cross?" The agent apologizes and says he must in fact ask the Bishop to do so as part of his 'protocol.' With this the Judge sidles over and states in a very authoritative tone 'Agent, you did not just ask a man of the cloth to remove a sacred chain, DID YOU?' Now the Bishop chimes in and says, ' While I am always one to consider my surroundings and the need of the event, I will refuse to remove my cross.' The agent now seeing the steel in the eyes of the two men begs pardon and issues an apology to both stating 'please forgive my transgression of protocol, no disrespect was meant to your stature, person or affiliation, we are just trying to follow orders.' The Bishop waves off the agent as if to say 'it is not taken in bad faith and is understandable' and then walks thru the metal detector which sounds immediately. The agents do however hold the Bishop at bay for quite some time as they hand wanded him from head to foot, bow to stern, even closely inspecting the cross until they were comfortable with letting him pass. The three men took a few steps and began chuckling at the level of detail and concern, knowing it was all for good and admirable reason.

The Riggs cocktail party was one of three simultaneous parties being held in the hotel. The other events were sponsored by other very well known organizations, but it was clear the Riggs event was the place to be judging by those in attendance.

Joe, the Judge, and the Bishop (these words send shivers through me each time I try and visualize it and cause me to snigger under my breath)  enter the reception room and are immediately confronted by the sights and sounds of laughter, clusters of people, at every turn the brain firing off with - I've seen that person on TV, or listened to a speech they gave on FOX, or saw that one interviewed by Dianne Sawyer... The Bishop tells Joe he's still remains in awe of these gatherings and sometimes can not believe he's been invited to attend, or better yet, speak. He said that he hasn't met the vast majority of the people standing around in huddled groups and begs Joe to introduce him to anyone Joe knows that the Bishop has not yet met. Joe laughs at that and says he's the last person the Bishop should be asking to provide introductions.

Joe's sleeve is tugged, its the Judge. The Judge is on a tare to introduce Joe and the Bishop to one and all in the room. They whisk here and there .......

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Good Morning,...Mr. President (2)

.....The parents drove down to Washington on Friday morning. Arriving at their hotel (The Willard) and checking in. The first days festivities were planned out. Joe was to meet Judge Sam outside the Capitol and they'd then walk to their first event of the day, a walk-thru of the Alibi Club. (In the link you'll find an adequate, if brief, explanation of the club.)

As a short aside, the timing of the entire weekend was planned with extreme accuracy, literally down to the minute. You arrived well ahead of time and entered, not a minute before or a minute after your scheduled appearance. To do so risked your very attendance at the event. Reason Huge, overt, covert, ninja-type, bad-ass big TREMENDOUS security. They screened, poked and prodded all in attendance. To a much lesser extent, pomp,  circumstance and tradition.

The inner workings of the Alibi Club are very interesting. The related experience went something like this.

Joe and Judge were to be at a luncheon around the block from the White House. The guest speaker of the luncheon was Robert Gates, SECDEF.

The Judge wanted to show Joe the Alibi Club first hand. There was a timing issue with the visit though. Judge and Joe walked into this exclusive club about 7 minutes prior to 12. The inside was related to be a simple town home of a few stories tall. On one wall were caricatures of the rich and famous who have, for over a century+ graced the halls of this home.  These caricatures were made of cut-out photo heads of the person with hand-drawn bodies and settings. No photographs ever, of course.

At 3 minutes to 12 the door opens and the concierge/doorman walks in and announces - "Lady and Gentlemen, arriving, President George H.W. Bush, 41st President of these United States of America." With that, the President walks in, along with his heavy security detail. Since the Judge and Joe were there just for a quick look-see they were almost in the entry hall of the club when the President arrived. Immediately, the President saw Judge Sam, walked over and shook his hand asking how the Judge was doing. In turn the Judge invited over Joe and introduced the two. Within a minute a grand father clock sitting in the foyer began to chime high noon. Upon the sixth chime another staff-man walked into the room, picked up an end of the voice powered intercom (read - air-tube) and announced the traditional Friday lunch was being served in the dinning room. Judge and Joe begged their good-byes and immediately walked out in order to make it the block or so to the Robert Gates luncheon. (A brief picture stop was made outside the club of the Judge. It was a hurried pic that was made even more brief when the Secret Service immediately walked over and asked both men to continue moving onward. (I hope to be able to update this post with the related pic shortly.))

The two men walked to the luncheon, were screened by security and escorted to their table. They sat with  the military elite, past SECDEF's, military contractors, congressman, senators, etc. The speech Robert Gates offered was extremely engaging and played with anecdotes and personal details of his nine months in the position. The three most notable anecdotes were how his first nine months had seemed like 55 months. It was a challenge he would not relish on anyone, it at times made him question whether or not he was in his right mind when he agreed to take the job, but had turned to feelings of more personal satisfaction lately. He stated that he would most likely look back fondly on this episode of his life, but certainly one of the most extreme. His next anecdote was relating a recent experience he had with the French. He noted that the relationship with France appears to be improving dramatically and in very intensive terms. The French President Sarkozy has so far proved engaging and open to new relationships. This feeling of openness has permeated to all levels of the government. Recently Mr. Gates visited his French counterpart and had lunch with him (a first in 10 years). Over this lunch, the French Military Chief said a nice show of appreciation between peoples might be for a US naval ship to visit France on a port-of-call. Robert agreed it would be very nice and they shook on it (no approvals needed from Stateside since Gates has the full support and an extremely wide latitude and stand-alone authorization from the President.) Within a couple weeks the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise entered port and spent some time.

Mr. Gates then went on to say that the relationship between the two countries, which under Chirac was extremely frosty at best, has warmed considerably. There's even talk now of France engaging with Nato to send about 1000 of its troops to Afghanistan (though nothing firm is yet agreed upon.)

A Day with Monkey Suits

Saturday evening was the main attraction for the weekend, the Alphalpha Dinner.

Joe arrives at the Hotel about 20 minutes before the Judge. Security is ringing the hotel. Its nothing like he's ever seen before. Washington DC police, mounted, motorcycle, dressed and plain clothes, US Marshal's, Uniformed Secret Service, plain clothes secret service, hotel security, Diplomatic Protective Services, private security, on and on. Quite literally hundreds upon hundreds of police and security staff, some armed to the teeth carrying weapons as big as themselves.

Joe is now standing in the hotel lobby waiting for the Judge to arrive. He's playing gawker at this time in awe of everyone who walks through the doors. The interesting part is that the hotel also has regular guests staying as well. This puts regular Washington area tourists in the same location that the Washington elite are using. Joe notices a man in his 30's just standing off to one side. He's dressed in a tee-shirt, faded jeans and sandals. There he stands just watching everyone, not really moving locations. After a couple minutes Joe notices that the Secret Service have been watching this guy like a hawk. Agents are moving about, changing locations, speaking into their lapels or wrists and then moving about again. Conspiratorially, Joe believes mr. blue jeans is now a marked man with his picture already taken and run through a vast FBI image database to find out who this guy is. A couple FBI agents walk over and stand right beside the guy for a minute or so in an imposing manner, not looking directly at him, but obviously checking him out, they then move away. A minute later in walks a Washington DC police officer with dog. The police officer stops and stares directly at the guy. The dog sits down, he too, staring menacingly at the blue jean guy. Joe gets the feeling that the dog, if leash let go, would just devour the man in an instant. As quickly as the cop appears he too walks away. The rotation continues for a few minutes until it sinks in to the blue jean guy that he's being watched, surveilled, recorded and otherwise visually interrogated. The man moves off.

In walks the Judge. He arrives with another of his close friends, the Bishop of Washington DC.


more later......  

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Good Morning...Mr. President

Let me start off by saying that this is going to be a strange post...

As a son, I continue to be in awe of my father more times than not. His limits exceed mine at almost every turn. His drive, tenacity, friendships, personal bonds, and judgement are well beyond mine on almost every level. Of most continuing interest to me is the ability to live vicariously through his eyes. His life experiences continue to amaze and place me, humbly, at his feet, forever seeking his continued approval.

The above now being said, I must try, mightily, to relate my father (and mother's) experience from this past weekend. Its a life experience, of life experiences.

Over the past decade or more, my father has developed a friendship with a gentleman by the name of Judge Sam Sterrett. They met through a mutual association in northern NY with their relationship growing progressively fonder. Judge Sterrett is former chief judge in the US Tax Court and continued advisor to the US Supreme Court on tax cases. He's retired from the Chief Judge position since 1991, but continued 'as counsel' to the Tax Court and the US Supreme Court since that time. He's also personal friends with former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor - US Supreme Court.

A month or so ago, Judge Sterrett called my father Joe and asked if he would be the Judge's guest for an upcoming weekend of events in Washington DC. Specifically, the events surrounding the Alphalpha Club Dinner.

As a primer, the Alphalpha Club is about the most exclusive 'open' club anyone could belong to within Washington DC. You must be elected to be a member, there are only 200 members of the 'club', the sole purpose of the club is to have one dinner gathering a year. The club's members include past President's of the US, Secretaries of State, government movers and shakers, as well as community leaders and extremely large corporate heads. The dinner roster each year includes the member base and each member is allowed to invite two (2) guests. This years dinner involved approximately 695 persons. Typically, around the dinner itself, the group of dignitaries roasts each other. This years guest of honor was President George W. Bush, with guest speaker Michael Bloomberg.

This event is held at a very large Washington hotel. Leading up to the event are many lunches, dinners, cocktail party's and related events.

....more when I return....     

Saturday, January 5, 2008


So, its been a while since I last blogged. Couple things going on I guess. First, being sick has not been a walk in the park. While seemingly only a REALLY bad chest cold -the worst I've EVER had - its still zapped me of any energy what-so-ever. In between the nose leaking all over the place, the gravelly voice, laryngitis, and a huge amount of yuck stuck in my chest needing to be hacked out, all things together it didn't make for any sort of fun.

I'm upset that I had to miss sis's b'day party and celebration last evening and then the friends celeb this evening. Obviously we don't wish to get anyone sick and bring them down either, but still, wish we could have been there and attending the funness.

Over the past couple of days have watched as Britany Spears spiraled further downward toward her path to suicide or permanent committal. Poor family, poor kids is all I can say. I still can't believe how hard it is to take kids away from a woman so desperately out of control. This also leads me to the gist of today's fleeting life can be at times. While, due to my particular circumstances and life's little potholes along the way, I've taken to making sure each day contains something good, life affirming and just. Whether its taking the time out to help Mom with the computer, spending some time on the phone with a friend talking with them and being a good shoulder, telling vast tales of life's exploits to co-workers or passersby, recognizing a persons efforts on my behalf, or communicating a realization I had to everyone around me.

This week two events took place that brought me to self-realization. I in turn needed to communicate these realizations to Emily and Wifey. The first;


This is hands down one of the great movies of our time. (Take this advice from where its coming - I'm a HUGE Gilbert and Sullivan fan). The story is based on the exploits and relationship of Gilbert & Sullivan (G&S) (i.e. Pirates of Penzance, HMS Pinafore, Mikado, etc etc etc.). Arguably one of the greatest production teams for stage and theater ever. As the story unfolds,  G&S have been working together for quite some time, under contract for Doyle-Carte (a production team of man and significant other). Two years remain on their contract. Gilbert, of course, is the playwright. Sullivan composes and conducts his scores for Gilbert's efforts (for the most part, though Sullivan is equal in talent as playwright as well.) Gilbert, admittedly for quite some time, has found a niche or format which seems to work well with audiences. The basic description is 'topsy-turvy' (or turnabout.) In Gilbert's case he seems to like magic best. Its a convention that allows the greatest written latitude because a viewer can accept a 'magical' enterprise much more readily than having to suspend reality and or rationalize the abnormal or contrived thought. Previous plays have used magical carpets, magical vessel, magical letter, magical potion, etc. (Albeit, all to great success.)

In Sullivan's eyes, these past twenty-odd years of team work with Gilbert have been great, no doubt, but the contrivance of magical topsy-turvy is grating on his nerves. He's a grand composer at heart in the time (late 1800's) of great European composers. He feels like life is passing him by and that his true inner talents are being limited and bound. He's not been able to spend the time he wishes on grand compositions, symphony's or anything greater than Libretto's. He feels smothered by the process and his contract. Quite frankly, he desires out of his Doyle engagement and away from Gilbert who keeps going back to the till for long past original ideas.

Strife between the two abounds and comes to a head in a meeting with Doyle-Carte with the two pronouncing they are at lager-heads.

The following scenes are the most intriguing to me because I can identify with them almost completely (and part of the reason for this blog entry).

Gilbert is shown in his house speaking with his wife. She's just returned from a trip through London proper and is trying to relate her experiences with him. He on the other hand is withdrawn and continued to be upset with the events of late and his future without Sullivan. His wife explains to him that it'd be good for him to get some fresh air and get out of the house to clear his mind. He protests, loudly. She persists, in a measured and reasoning tone. He protests more loudly. She's trying to explain that a Japanese exposition is in town and she'd like to take it in with him. He's adamant about not going. Cut to the next scene - The two are walking through the exposition together.

Now, while this is just a great movie and well worth anyone's attention and time to sit back and watch history being made, it also relates something I experience daily. Gilbert is a brainy, progressive, intellectual fellow, very successful at what he does, self-confident and structured. His wife on the other hand, is also very strong willed but in a more refined way. She's also very intelligent successful in her own right. She has the ability to see the bigger picture when it comes to her relationship, more-so than her husband. She persists in her statements, suggestions and admonitions and, eventually, wins out after the battle. In my life I have wifey. I don't know what I'd do without her and I recognize each day what a lesser of a man and person I'd be without her help, love and support. I try and explain this to her as often as I can because, well, its just true.

So, watch the movie. You don't need to see into the movie the importance or conviction I see in it, but at least watch it for the sake of being entertained. You'll see greatness abound and the intrigue suggested through the development of The Mikado. As a note, watch for the all important agreement to be signed for the development of the Savoy Hotel (with one bathroom per room no less). Visionary.


Blues Brothers


  Elliot and Jake

On Friday evening I caught the end of this movie. Specifically, the last 20 minutes of it during the greatest car chase ever filmed. Each time I revisit this movie I'm awestruck by its complexity and juvenile-ness. The movie is just down right entertaining. Its a worthy watch any time.

Of most importance to me is what this movie makes me remember. I can clearly see myself sitting in a small theater beside the shores (marina actually) of Lake Placid, NY. I can remember the smells of the theater, the seats, the sticky floor, tastes of the popcorn and sugar candy (jujubees - I believe). I was awestruck and excited by the movie. I was of course with my best bud at the time. I remember the time of day we first saw the flick. I remember leaving the theater and immediately wanting to go back in and watch it again. (Eventually we did watch it over again). I also remember the summer air and sunshine. The focus of a 16 year old boy. Fanciful plans for the future. Wild adventurous enthusiasm and long talks of speculation on events of the day (mostly girls in swimsuits and tight pants.) Walking town and eating Strudel and ice cream from a small mall. Catching famous traveling performers in the local club, trying to score a first Tom Collins.

In the end it reminds me most of what I continue to value to this day. Great memories that should never be forgotten, and even greater friendships that continue to be developed all these years later, and appreciation of the people I have in my life. I wish this on every one of my nieces and nephews. Never ever give up on a friendship.