So, today was pretty fun. Exhausting though.
Started off pretty early because of the time change. I was up and down all night last evening. I woke wifey up at 2:00 so we could watch this weeks episode of Ugly Betty. We tweaked on this one because of Seth Rudestski and the fact that the episode would surround going to the b'way show Wicked. We both loved that show to death. It was a funny episode and wifey fell quickly to sleep afterward. Bless her her for putting up with me.
At 6:00 I could sleep no longer. I got up and started posting to DJChef blog. Recent recipes from the Punkin Party. Long over-due post there.
When Mary chimed in that she was up, we launched into action. It was closet cleaning day in the master bedroom. Wifey also wanted me to change an outlet that she assured me wasn't working. I obliged and then changed every outlet in the bedroom. They were early 80's versions and were showing signs of wear and tear. Then I installed a cable tv outlet nearer our tv.
Then I installed a belt hangar in one of our closets.
Finally I crawled out onto my roof and installed a 2' extension onto our wood stove chimney. It wasn't drawing properly and Mary rightly figured the extension would help. I reinstalled the chimney cap and crawled back inside.
After futzing with the house plants some, and moving them inside to their winter location, I started a fire. Boy does this small wood stove kick off some heat. It could probably handle our living room and lake room quite handily on the coldest of mornings in the winter as long as it had some time to get running. After an hour, the thing had our lake room at 80 degrees, so we opened the living room doors to spread the wealth. That's 1/2 of our entire 1st floor being heated for 2 hours by 5 - 14" split logs boys and girls.
Finally, while taking in the warmth and hazy glow of the stove I flipped through some mags I had laying around for quite some time and began ripping them of the recipes. I'm beginning on planning Thanksgiving Day. With any luck it'll be a huge affair. I'm hoping sis and family can be here and I'm going to try and twist an arm to get my best bud and his family to come as well. Nothing like a family dinner for 40. (This meal is a true goal for me to have happen once in my life. All of my family together for one masterful meal celebrating family. Can't get much better than that. I have my fingers crossed.)
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