Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Anniversary - Update

Just got this note from Liz -

Liz has left a new comment on your post "Anniversary":
I too have RA. I am a 56 almost 57 yr old female who was diagnosed at the tender age of 29. At diagnosis, I can relate to the situations you described. I used Acupuncture for relief for a number of years. After having the disease for about 10 years, I started taking remittent type drugs. There is very little I can't do and very very few bad days. I was wondering what drugs you are taking to manage the disease.


Well Liz, initially the doctor had me on some very basic though harsh drugs including NSAIDS and high dose Prednisone. This got me through the initial rough points. The weaning from the steroids was awful when I was told to drop by 5mg over a week. This didn't work so well and laid me up for a while in relapse.

Then it was the good ol' try this and that until you find one your body tolerated and could reach a homeostatic point. In my case I went through no less than 8 meds at the time, over the course of about a yeah and a half. Unfortunately each and every one through my labs into the basement which forced an immediate change. Finally I was put into a test group to try a 'new kind of medication' in a very small, very limited trial. I unfortunately didn't get the placebo and got the actual drug, which became a lysing agent to my kidneys and liver. This forever changed my prospects of being able to medicate with any type or form of steroidal. My labs just do the funky chicken and everyone freaks out.

This leaves me with simple NSAIDS, I've found the OTC Allieve works pretty well when taken in moderation. I'm not maintenance dosing at this time because the pills going down feel like sand paper, but when I'm in need of an analgesic, they work pretty well.

Live, love, and enjoy, and most importantly "Pass it along." These are the things that are important to me, each day is a new, great adventure.

Thanks Liz, keep in touch. 

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