Tuesday, June 13, 2006


SAVED - FX Monday's 10PM what can I say except UGH.Let me start out by saying the first episode seemed like a re-write out of the movie Mother Jugs and Speed (1978), Harvey Keitel, Bill Cosby, Raquel Welch. If this is where the writers are going to take us, I can only say don't waste your time watching it.The premise of Daddy's an overbearing doctor, the kid was on the right track to become a doctor and then passions (and habits) took over and steered the nubile chosen one on a different course, is a weak and totally predicatble theme line. You can imagine where that relationship is going and the conflicts the writers will develop from here on out. As such, the apple hasn't become an orange, yet, and has just fallen down the hill a bit to become a nutured crab-apple - read 'paramedic'. And so the story is set. Gung ho, semi know-it-all with gambling habit kid grows up to become the 2nd best thing (if you think of things with an operational/field tone.)I'll have to watch it again with a more discreet eye, but lets see where to start:1.No seatbelts, WTF2. 02 kit with a mask attached, open, regulator on, tank cracked, sheesh.3. They need to get their code 1's and 3's straight. What's the use of having a code status if everywhere you go is lights and sirens.4. Who in gods name is playing their dispatcher. That must be one slow company to hand out all that verbage over the radio.5. The lack of hustle, I can understand. You don't run to everything. You speed walk fine, but they seemed to mosey their way around. The letters and nasty phone calls one would receive if you did that in the real world would get you a severe thrashing by the higher ups.6. Leaving the bus running with the lights on at a scene? WTF again. Un less its an auto-accident, you never leave keys, and the bus running.7. Keys, again. You park at a city hospital and leave the keys in the rig, and the rig open? Yeah, let's see how long those narcotics in the drug pack last.8. not making family events, yeah, happens all the time. 9. driving around with stuffed animals in the rig, yeah, happens.I'll talk more this weekend. If they need a technical adviser I'm here, but THEY NEED A TECHNICAL ADVISOR who's not ancient (that's a supposition on my part that they actually might have one...which I doubt.I'm calm, I'm calm.. where's my happy place. Find your happy place.Ugh, I'm all upset now just thinking about it.

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