Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A day of a few events to be thankful for..

This great man...Ward Churchill, was finally voted out of the University of Colorado. This is the same man who compared, in an essay he wrote shortly after 9/11, some victims in the World Trade Center to Adolf Eichmann (who was involved in carrying out the Holocaust.)


This great young woman was arrested, yet again, in Santa Monica, Ca early this morning. Turns out she was pissed off that her personal assistant quit (rumored because Lindsay was yet again out of control with drugs and liquor). Her assistant left with her mother and someone else in her car. Lindsay gave chase in her own car, with two other people in the car with her. This seemed to scare the first car, forcing them to call 911 and, a block away from a local police precinct, pulled into a theatre lot and stopped. Lindsay's car pulled in as well and then, its reported, she got into a screaming match with the now former assistant. That's when police arrived.

She was severely belligerent to the police. She refused an alcohol blow test and then submitted to a physical field sobriety test, which she failed. She was arrested. Taken to the precinct, searched - where they found cocaine- and then administered the blow test (humorous) which she reportedly served up a .12BAC, (.08 is the legal limit).

I pray and hope that she gets help, or is forced by the system to get it, so that she lives out the rest of her 21st year, and those around her survive as well and are not mowed down by her in a drunken and drug induced state.

Beware young readers, this woman's family is like mold on cheese. Dangerous and infectious to all that are near. 

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